Friday, March 12, 2010

Falling Off the Wagon

Not only did I fall off - but the darn thing hit me and ran me over!

Now I know I had the birthday slip-up.....but that really wasn't so bad. I was still aware of what I was eating and managed to get a few minutes of exercise in.

These last two days involved a monumental fall from grace.

As I mentioned before I had a little road trip planned. My daughter and I drove up to Wausau for her birthday. She had an interview with a talent scout (which went very well) and she wanted to take the trip instead of having a party. So I felt obliged to make the whole two days feel like a party for her. Of course this involved a dinner of Chinese food, a late-night snack at Arbys, a little cake for the room, breakfast at the hotel, and lunch at Fazolis on the way home.


Now usually I am a big proponent of going online to find the best choices before dining out at such establishments. But, frankly, I just didn't take the time. Couple the fast-food extravaganza with a busy schedule that involved much sitting and no exercise.....well, it was not a productive couple of days for me.

As a matter of fact I managed to find a couple of the pounds I lost earlier in the week. I was off to a great start walking/jogging four miles each day Sunday through Tuesday. But Wednesday and Thursday were worlds away from my beginning of the week effort.

Today I'm climbing back on the wagon. I'm a little bruised from the fall, but still intact. Thankfully I have a weekend that involves lots of work and no birthday celebrations. That should help! So I'm still hoping to salvage the week as far as the weight loss/exercise mileage goes.

I'm not letting myself feel too terrible about it. I had an amazing time with my daughter. We shared a great couple of days together and I know she will never, ever forget her twelfth birthday. Not to say I couldn't have had a equally amazing time with a little more planning and some better choices - but it is what it is.

And I never would've seen her try to suppress that giggle had I not ordered the Pu Pu Platter.